Yeah that is a grasshopper...it probably seems silly to take a picture of a grasshopper for the blog, but there are SO many here, and I thought this picture turned out good.
I wanted to thank everyone for the comments, it means alot to me because I like to know that people are reading the blogs, and get feedback on what you thought :) Things have been fairly uneventful lately, the Expo is still in the shop. We were told we would probably be able to get it back Wednesday (two days ago), but apparently in Wyoming time at the start of hunting season, that means next Tuesday if we are lucky, haha. We like our mechanic though, even if he is leaving us without a vehicle so that he can go on a hunting trip. We are starting to get a bit desperate for it though, we need to take a trip into Idaho Falls so we can get some clothes for Elijah and some shoes for me. I want some hiking-type shoes, because I need something other than flip flops (I'd forgotten there were other kinds of shoes! haha) and I'm not so much a cowboy-boot kind of gal. Not yet! I also need to look for work, and Elijah is definitely wanting some social connections, he is used to having Micah around for that. I hope I can find a daycare provider/preschool that I like and trust, there aren't many choices around here. At this point I would almost prefer a mom with other kids that wants to do some babysitting.
Tonight Jay is leaving to go spend his first night at camp...he is guiding a hunt at low camp, his first hunt at high camp (High camp is like a 3-4 hour ride on horseback into the mountains) is going to be on the 8th. When he is up at high camp, I might not see him for like 6 days at a time. Right now though, he is going to be gone at low camp for a five day hunt, but he will probably come home one or two nights during that time. It's hard though, but I know it would be alot harder if I were thousands of miles away.
We are planning on taking a trip to Billings, Montana for a day soon...I happened to talk to a midwife there who started a midwifery school recently and is currently taking applicants for her apprenticeship program. She convinced me to come talk to her before I go to Oregon. That doesn't mean that we are not going to Oregon, but I'd like to know all my options, so I am going to check it out.
The leaves are starting to turn. When I look up to the hills, everywhere there are fiery little patches, I can't wait to see the colors in all their glory. I will try to get some pictures, of course...though I think it's yet another thing here that the pictures won't do justice to.
Here are some pictures I took of Elijah at the community playground up the road, and there are more on the flickr page.

omg that last pic on the swing with that sweet sweet smile! Adorableness exemplified! Must have that pic. Send it to me now!
Love Yomomma
I love you!!! Miss you!!!! I miss my beautiful sister and adorable nephew...sniff sniff... I will talk to you soon, give Elijah kisses and hugs for me
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