As promised, I've started a blog to share our adventures as we enter the uncharted waters of familydom. The wedding is over, and we are all set to begin the journey.
We leave tomorrow for Wyoming.

Bright and early we will set out, driving from Lake Havasu City, AZ through Vegas, up through the barren deserts of Utah to Idaho and finally home. Approximately 772.5 arduous miles.
I'll admit that my excitement at conquering a new world has given way to a small, albeit potent amount of fear. Let's face it, this is going to be way different from anything I have ever experienced. The excitement is still there, it's just fear of the unexpected is also with me.
We've had so much fun over the last week, with our marriage and the time we were able to spend with family. Thanks to everyone's generosity we have been able to have a truly worry-free time, which we've been so greatful for. We've been having lots of fun in Lake Havasu, spending most of our time in the pool sipping drinks and playing with Elijah.
Here's some pictures
The Beginning...

I'll post more later, but everyone who knows me and Jay knows how bad we hate pictures of ourselves, so I'm not promising anything. There are a few taken at the wedding that I plan on posting, but I have to wait untill I can scan them in.
So this is the beginning. I will post when we make it to Wyoming and we can set up our computer.
Caterpillar girl??? Weirdo, but cool site! How are you guys doin? I wouldn't know since someone never called me back when I CALLED THEM! Stupid! Hope the trip to WY goes well. Love you guys!
I cant believe you started a blog so soon! Way to be proactive. Miss you already. I'll call in a little while once you guys are there and a little settled in, although you can call anytime. DOnt forget no matter what to send me those pics from our last night together. Give my love to your boys.
Hi, Mimi,Jay and little Elijah,
We miss you already. I am so glad you are doing this blog tho so we can follow your adventures vicariously. Let me know if it is as beautiful as I have imagined. I
hope you are enjoying the trip. 1,000 kisses to Elijah and hugs to both of you.
Hi Marilyn: I LOVED YOUR BLOG! The pictures and music were great. The little guy seems like he's fitting into the whole cowboy scene...cowboy boots spiderman and all.
I did the exact thing you did when I was up there last July. We got in so late to Jay's house (and it was PITCH BLACK) that I couldn't see anything. But the next morning the sun and cool fresh air assaulted my senses and I was in love (at least three months out of the year). I just couldn't stay inside...I was walking by the creek and riding on the back of the quad. It was great....
Glad you're all acclamating and I hope you do ok while the guys are up in high country.
Call me when you get a chance..I'm sorry I had to cut off my phone call to you the other day but I had unexpected company.
Love to you all
Mom and GrandmaKK
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