Sorry for the long wait between blogs...the processor fan on our computer came unseated but now all is well and I am back for more blogging,
ha ha. Got lots of new pics too! Jay took me and Elijah up in the canyon on the quad (which is ginormous and can easily fit the three of us). It was so beautiful up there, there was a little stream and wildflowers everywhere. This picture is of the boys checking out some kind of
water bug. I was happy to keep my distance under the guise of snapping pics,

Here is one that I took of the view from where we were. It overlooks Star Valley where we live.

Some pics of Eli :)

And this is a picture I took of the wild choke cherries. The boys picked a ton of them awhile back as I mentioned in a previous blog (well actually they've got out picking them several times). Jack took those berries and made a choke cherry syrup which he gave to us. Last week we made pancakes and ate them with the syrup and it was
Delicious. I've been commissioned to try and make jam out of them which I have not the slightest idea how to do. If
Google does not fail me and I can figure it out, I'm hoping I can make enough to send some jars out to everyone...we'll see!

Not much else to report at the moment. The Expedition is still in the shop, and I have yet to see much interesting wildlife. We took Jacks truck into Jackson the other day (to get the stuff to fix our computer) and I saw some mountain goats up on the cliffs, but to be honest they
didn't look like much because they were so far up, it just looked like bright white spots on the cliffs. I've seen a few deer and a bald eagle's nest but no eagle. Jay saw a mom and baby moose on the drive home from work the other day, and a big bull moose that same morning but so far I have not seen one. If I do I hope I can get a picture of it.
Oh, I do have a request though. If people are reading this, leave me comments! I want to know if you guys are reading these or not...if you dont know how, you just go to the very bottom of the post you want to comment on and it will say in small green letters '0 comments' - click on that :)
Miss and love you all!
Love and miss you and of course we read it! Love, yo momma
I miss you!! sisi
One of my comments (the long one never showed up, anyway good job with the pics! I miss you, give Elijah hugs and kisses for me- I can't wait to come visit and take some pictures out there too, Love you-sisi
Thanks guys! Miss you all too!
Sounds like your doing well. I wish I could hear your guys voice once and awhile, even though the blogs have been nice. The pics are beautiful. It feels me with AWE everytime I see Elijah hugging Jay or having his hand on him. I love you guys and miss you. I'lle e-mail you soon. When are you coming to visit? I know you just left, right? We miss you. Love, Fawn
of course I read these. i love our last night pictures.
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