We got the Expo back! Yippee! I feel so...so....free :)
We got it back on Friday and it was perfect timing because Jay was finished with his hunters on Friday night, so Saturday we all went to Idaho Falls ('we' meaning myself, Jay, Elijah and Kenny) and did some shopping. We got Elijah some new clothes including a badly needed winter coat. Afterwards, we went to the salt river and did some fly fishing...well that's not entirely accurate...Jay and Kenny did some fly fishing. Elijah set himself to finding sticks to splash the water with and rocks to throw in the general direction of the water Jay was fishing in - thereby ensuring that any fish would be scared about a mile up river. I was busy scouting the banks for herbs. I found lots and lots of chamomile and mint growing wild. I actually did let Jay give me a fly fishing lesson, but fortunately didn't catch anything. If I had, I am fairly certain I would have dropped the pole while running and screaming. Jay did catch two fish, but they were teeny so he let em go. On the walk back to the car, I saw a muskrat, which kind of looked like a swimming gopher.
I really kicked myself for not bringing my camera, it was incredibly beautiful where we were. The sun was settling, and the way the light hit the hills and river was indescribable. We all felt relaxed and peaceful. One thing I love about being here is that when you just let yourself sink into silence, and just let yourself be surrounded by the quiet, you realize that even though it is quiet and so peaceful, you are at the same time surrounded by life and movement. I have that sense here more than I ever have anywhere else.
After fishing, we went to 'Tootsie's' for some pizza and her famous strawberry tirimisu (my verdict: leave tirimisu alone. It is delicious the way it is. Strawberries belong on shortcake). When we were leaving, we ended up finding a kitten. It was so weird because I had woken up that morning thinking about wanting a kitten after having a dream about one and (Jay can attest to this) the very first words out of my mouth that morning had been "I want a cat". Lo and behold, that night this little 'trash rodent' (as Jay calls him) practically landed in my lap. He is adorable, and Elijah and I are totally smitten. Jay on the other hand....well....he's not a big fan. We made a deal, if I see him by Wednesday morning I will give the cat away, if not...I get to keep him sans guilt. We are both happy with arrangement, so we will see what happens. Honestly though if Jay really doesn't want to keep it, I probably will just go ahead and find him another home, even if I DO win this little contest.
Today I took Elijah to town to run some errands and we stopped by the local library in Thayne. It is literally one-third of an average sized mobile home, but it is quaint and will have to do. We did check out some books, and they do run a really cute little story time every Monday morning, so I will be taking Elijah to that. After the library we had a picnic and we brought our nameless little kitten. I DID bring my camera this time, so here are some pics of Eli with the little vermin!

OH! My adorable little nephew, I love you guys and miss you!-sisi
It sounds so beautiful there! I can't wait to see more pictures. BTW, the cat is adorable!
Hi Honey: The pictures of Elijah were adorable and as always I love your writing and music. I agree that the silence there is almost a spiritual experience. You forget how quiet the world can really be.
I found a red leaf yesterday on my afternoon walk that had fallen from a liquid amber tree and I thought of the beauty you will soon be seeing in the turning of the leaves.
It sounds like Jay doesn't like cats but remind him of how precious our two cats were to him Katy and jake. Jack had left us and Fawn was out doing her thing. Those two cats kept Jay and I company and meant alot to us. So if you keep him around long enough (the cat not my son) he'll warm up to him. I promise!
Take care and kiss my son and grandson for me. KK
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