I feel like its high time I started posting on the blog again regularly. I miss it, and I think it would be a good way to keep everyone updated on pregnancy adventures. Leave me lots of comments, I <3 comments. They make me feel all validated, cuz I gots issues.
As most of you know, I am officially preggers. It's very early yet, so I just hope everything goes smoothly. Jay and I are so excited (excited, overwhelmed, in shock, etc etc). Part of me wanted to wait until I was through the first trimester to tell anyone, so I could be sure everything was ok....but who am i kidding? You don't keep secrets like this in my family, you just DON'T. I would be hunted down and murdered in my sleep by certain people. You know who you are.
Everyone wants to know how I'm feeling. What they really want to ask is if I am puking my guts out yet. Its rather sick and twisted how happy people get when they find out how bad your morning sickness is. It's like really people, I'm not faking it I swear.
The quick answer is no! I don't have any morning sickness *yet*. What I DO have is extreme fatigue. Like I really think answering a question that isn't absolutely necessary, is the hardest thing I have EVER done. I have to brace myself to form complete sentences. I feel a little "icky" at times. Not quite nauseous exactly, but close. Thats about it though.
We might as well get it all out there, NO I have not seen a doctor yet. Most people who read my blog are very close friends and/or family and already know I plan on seeing a midwife. I haven't exactly chosen one yet. I have one in mind, but still want Jay's input before I make the call. I also have to save up a bit for the initial prenatal workup. I'll shoot for sometime in February I guess. There is really nothing other than bloodwork that can be done for me anyway, and I'm not in a terrible rush.
Oh and another thing I might as well tell y'all now is: We aren't planning on finding out the sex of the baby. Go ahead and freak out. Let me know when you are done.
Okay now take a deep breath. It's not that I am opposed to knowing or even that we want to be surprised. On the contrary, I think we both would rather find out. The thing is that I just don't feel that it's a good enough reason for routine ultrasound. Yes, women get ultrasounds all the time and their baby's aren't deformed. I realize this. I even think there is a time and a place for them and if a need arises, I will definitely get one. The thing is, they are being used as a routine procedure with no real evidence that it helps outcomes in any way, and it is a relatively new technology that has not been properly studied. We DO know that there is something that actually happens to the cells during ultrasound called "cavitation" and no one knows what kind of permanent effects it may have. So I just don't want to have one unless I need one.
Alright well I'm at work so I guess I should go "work" now.