Wednesday, May 12, 2010


22 weeks and 3 days along today. That 6 month mark is creeping up on me. The baby will be putting on about 1 to 1 1/2 lbs this month. It's getting crazy to think this baby is due in just 4 months. And since technically the "due date" is set at 40 weeks, but you can be considered full term and go into labor anytime after 37 weeks, I could potentially have this baby sometime at the end of August. I really doubt that happens, I fully expect to go well overdue, but you just never know. I hope this baby stays in to cook for awhile because I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO!!!! I still need to buy all the cloth diapers + supplies not to mention various and sundry other things. Plus Gretchen will kill me.

Realizing all of this, I made a mad dash to hurry along the renovations on our apartment. Many of you know that when I announced my pregnancy to my work, I also pretty much demanded (ever so sweetly of course) that they finally allow me to fix up the apartment like I had been promised for the past 2 years. Getting a timeline and pinning down Mr. and Mr. fix-it (aka Jay and the other caretaker dude) has been a little tricky.

So this weekend we are moving all of our stuff out of our unit into a vacant 1-bedroom for the next two weeks so that the house can be painted and our new floor can be laid. After that, we should be able to move stuff back in, although there will still be puh-lenty of work left to do in there, it will just have to get done while we are in there.

I'm super stressed about getting it all done, and I really want to make sure that it gets done while I am still mobile...I remember at 5 and 6 months pregnant with Elijah I was still getting around fairly well but then 7 months hit and I was rendered completely useless. I'll be 7 months at the end of June, so I need to hustle!

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