Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pregotron is on the loose

17 weeks and 3 days preggo today. I feel H.U.G.E. And NOT in the right places. I've gained about 4 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight but I honestly feel like Jabba the Hut. Is it possible to carry pregnancy weight in your arms, thighs, and neck? I seriously cannot wait for some sunny days so I can start walking.

I had my prenatal appointment with last week. I meant to blog about it sooner but I've had a horrible, no-good, very bad WEEK (more on that later) and was distracted. The appointment went great though, the midwives stayed for almost 2 hours and we talked about everything under the sun. Including my irrational fear of not going into labor. I know it doesn't work that way, and If I were talking to one of MY clients, I'm sure I would know just what to say to make myself feel better. There is something about being the one actually pregnant though, where all your knowledge and experience seems to go right out the window and you just feel more vulnerable and like you are the first person in the history of the universe to experience it. Hows that for a run-on sentence.

Anyway, she had some insightful things to say and is bringing me some books to read. She is going to bring me some kids books about birth and getting a new sibling too, so I can read them to Elijah. We should be able to hear the heartbeat with the fetoscope at my next appointment (I'll be 5 months! Halfway done!) in April. I'm not going to be using the doppler (same reason as the no ultrasound thing), so you have to wait a little longer to be able to hear it with the fetoscope, which is basically a glorified stethoscope.

I've had a super stressful week at work getting ready for an annual file review/site inspection. I have to get through today and tomorrow and then I'll be all done and can breathe again.

I have nothing witty to say to wrap up this post, I'm fresh out of wit sorry.

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