Sorry they aren't very good quality, I took them with the webcam on my laptop.
I feel giant. I wish I could say that it was all baby, but no. I'm really trying to eat healthfully and not go overboard with treats or anything. I've stopped buying anything to keep in the house that is junky (like ice cream). I still have some treats here and there, but not having anything readily available without cooking or going to the store makes it less likely that I will overindulge. I'm also going to yoga classes for 1-2 hours twice a week. I'll be walking daily once the weather is nice (today is beautiful out, so it will be my first walk in awhile!). We aren't eating out hardly at all, and aren't eating any fast food or anything. Even though I feel about 90 times healthier than I did when I was pregnant with Elijah, I cannot keep the weight gain down it seems. My midwife is threatening to confiscate my scale. It's so hard not to be overly concerned with my weight gain when I KNOW full well how much effort it is going to take to lose it...especially when I had so much to lose in the first place. I'm really struggling with my feelings about it. It's much harder than I thought it would be. I seem to just pile on the pounds, regardless of the amount of calories I'm consuming. I'd say on an average day, I'm eating 2,400 calories per day, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. They recommend that you eat between 2400-2600 when you are preggo if you started out overweight. I can't figure out why I keep gaining. It is NOT all in my belly either! My face looks HUGE.
Honestly though, to get some perspective - I feel pretty great. I just have to keep eating healthy and being active, and thats all I can really do I guess. I'm sure glad weight watchers has a program for nursing mothers, that's all I can say!
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