I have got to be the most horrible thank-you-card-sender in the history of the universe. That's a fact. It takes me forever to buy them, longer to write them and then eventually I end up thinking it's too late and therefore completely lame to send them. I promised myself that I would do better with the thank yous from our wedding. See, the thing is that I really am completely grateful...the problem is that I don't like writing just a quick 'hey thanks' and leaving it at that. No, I like to really think about what I am writing and I can't write something general for each one, it has to be personal. I'm just bad at cards, as all my friends can attest. So anyway, I am almost done writing the thank you cards from our wedding, but I am not going to lie, it may take a while for me to actually send them all, haha.
Nana is having her surgery on Monday. I really hate to be so far away from my family when all this is going on. It's hard to think that I'm so far away that I am completely useless when everyone needs me...or at least I like to think I could be useful.
I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel with this whole hunting business. This season has been a tough one, but I think I can count on seeing Jay a bit more in the coming weeks and then before we know it, season will be over. We are excited about our move to Oregon. It will finally feel like we are settling down, which is really all we want. I have to admit that I am going to miss it here. It's something to do with the wide open spaces and untouched beauty, as well as that small town feel...I'm really going to miss that. I'm also going to miss the zero traffic, heck there isn't even a stoplight until you get to Jackson. I'll miss the constant deer sightings, the quiet, the feeling that everything here is clean.
I am looking forward to working again, seeing a friend (Winter), friends for Elijah, and what feels like the official start of our future. I'm also just open to the adventure of it all...a new place, new sights, sounds, people, new things to learn, a broader perspective.
Ok, now time for some pictures :)
....Yup that is snow...

The expo was having some trouble starting due to a bad battery connector-thingy...big strong man fix! boogah boogah!

And here is some random Elijah cuteness: