Thursday, May 20, 2010


I couldn't think of anything else to name this post. It's pretty expressive about our lives right now. Thinks are...hectic to say the least. We are doing this remodel and it's more intensive than I originally expected. We pretty much gutted out the unit and we are putting in new floors, light fixtures, tub and sink hardware, and new baseboard and trim as well as resurfacing the bathtub, putting in a new water heater, and painting. It's hard to believe so much work can go into such a little place. We will eventually be getting new counters and cabinets, but that will most likely take place in July. We are staying in a tiny one-bedroom unit with ALL of our stuff for the next few weeks. Cooking, getting dressed, you name it...everything is hard. I'm happy it's getting done but I will be so glad when it's over!!!

Pregnancy-wise I'm so so. I still feel pretty good overall, but I'm going to be 6 months (24 weeks) in just a few days and I'm feeling more pregnant than I am I think. What I thought was sciatica is starting to seem more like something called SPD. It's basically where your pubic bone relaxes too much and it causes pain in the pelvic girdle. It's still mild, but I hope it doesn't get worse! I also think I may be getting PUPPS again...which is a pregnancy induced rash straight from Satan. I'm not 100% sure thats what it is, but it looks like it. Also, about 70% of people who have PUPPS have boys, so my conviction that this little one is a girl is falling by the wayside.

I will be so glad when we can get back to our normal routine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh babe i really hope u don't have pupps. especially so early in and then u'd have to wait all that time for it to go away. keep us updated on that. luv u all muah