Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mindless rants

I forgot how slooowly the first trimester moves. I am 5 weeks 4 days pregnant today. My baby looks like something a bad sci-fi movie would be made about.

I'm trying to decide what all supplements I am going to take with this pregnancy. I went to Salem Health Foods last night to pick up a few things. Got some herbs in bulk: Red Raspberry Leaf, Alfalfa Leaf & Lemon Balm to make a pregnancy tea. Got a B vitamin complex (which I discovered taste like moldy socks. Obviously that is exactly what I want to be tasting during the first trimester queasies. Fun.) which will hopefully help with my fatigue. I also got a Magnesium asporotate supplement which helps prevent blood pressure issues (most people are deficient in magnesium anyway). I spent $30 on those things and I still need to get liquid chlorophyll and some good quality omega 3's. Oh and I'm going to try to get some immunocal in here and there. Oh and calcium. This baby is pricey.

I am SO thirsty all of the time. I think I'm thirsty much more than hungry even. Which is good because I want to keep the weight gain down this pregnancy if possible. When I say "keep it down" I mean like, down to a reasonable amount rather than the 60-ish EL BEEs I gained with Elijah.

Gretchen just walked in my office and is pestering me. PESTERING, I tell you.

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