I'm sorry I haven't updated the blog in awhile. I figured I'd better post an update soon since I really only have a few weeks left! An estimated due date is calculated at 40 weeks of pregnancy, however you are considered full term (and therefore safe for delivery) at 37 weeks of pregnancy. The average length of pregnancy is between 37 and 42. Although I highly doubt I will deliver before my due date, since it seems like women in my family tend to go to 42+weeks, I am technically considered full term in just 3 short weeks. Which means that I need to be ready by then....or preferably at least mostly ready even before then.
*clears throat*
Just kidding, I am ready...kind of....mostly. Um, okay I have a few more things to do. I think I have all the basic most important things covered. Still on my list:
*Buy a couple more diapers to finish my stash (I'm cloth diapering in case anyone forgot)
*Make cloth wipes*Prep dipes (you have to do a few things to them before they are absorbent enough to use...namely boiling them and putting them through a wash/dry cycle about 3 or so times)
*Wash and organize baby clothes
*Buy the last few things on my birth supply list from the midwife
*Buy a rocking chair
*Talk to my boss to round out my modified maternity leave plans
*Figure out and fix whatever is wrong with my washer (super crazy loud)
*Wash/dry/sort/put away my endless piles of laundry
*Pack bag in case of hospital transfer
*Install carseat
*Buy something to wear after the birth
I think that's mostly it. The apartment is close to being finished, but Jay still has to finish that. I asked him to be sure and have it done by my 36 week mark. He is also working on building a desk for his computer and a shelf for our DVD player and DVR (our TV is wall mounted so we need something to put that other stuff on).
I had originally planned on freezing a bunch of meals ahead of time so no one would have to worry about cooking, but it's just not happening lol. In the interest of not biting off more than I can chew, I've decided to just order my mom and Gretchen around instead. Anyone entering this house will be expected to come with food and put a load of laundry in lol.
I'm super lucky that the weather hasn't been terrible lately. We have had a few days above 90 degrees, but it has mostly stayed at a manageable 80-85. Other than that, I am starting to feel the pangs of being hugely pregnant. My hips and pelvis constantly feel like someone is trying to pry them apart with a crowbar and walking/turning over in bed, etc is really difficult. I've been in tears many times over the past week or two just because the tiniest tasks are overwhelmingly difficult right now. Work is extra stressful right now as well, so that doesn't help my emotional state at all. Most of the time I'm ok, but every now and then it gets to me. Getting dressed is a hurdle in and of itself at the moment and is often the start of my downward spiral. Not only do I only have about two things I can wear comfortably, but the actions involved in dressing myself just plain hurt.
The good news is that all of this is natures way of making me feel ready for this baby, come hell or high water. If little Hughesy comes early and I don't have a rocking chair, I'll survive...and at least I'll have my hips back!
awwww i'm sorry ur in so much pain bebe. oh an FYI lil Hughesy is ur baby's new nick name. miss u guys like crazy. can't wait to come up there and see u guys and lil Hughesy.
I would like to exchange links with your site 3liveslessordinary.blogspot.com
Is this possible?
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