I sprained my ankle! I'm so bummed. As most of you know, I have been trying to get back in the swing of things weight-wise. To that end, Mom and I have been taking hikes as regularly as we can. We went to Silver Falls on Monday and it turned into a total fiasco. First, mom walked into a mob of hungry wasps that proceeded to sting her repeatedly. At that point, about halfway down our chosen trail (it was a small one since we were short on time, so this is about a mile into the hike) we decide to turn back since there seemed to be more swarms further ahead. Ok, I saw one more wasp and chickened out. Whatever.
As Mom was lamenting about our foiled trip, I started to give her a pep-talk. You know "just be glad we got out" "enjoy the scenery" "exercise is exercise"...yada yada yada.
It was at this ill-fated moment that my ankle decided to shut me up by rolling inward during mid-stride. OOOOWWWWW.
I decided it would be ok to hike back out because I could wiggle my toes so I must be fine. The real pain didn't set in until later. Its just a minor sprain, but it's really cramping my style. Oh and not to mention my workout routine.
My camera is out of batteries but I did get a few pictures. I'll post them as soon as I can!
Can't wait to see you all on November 22!